Laya Project Anniversary Edition: Worldwide Digital Release

For the first time, Laya Project is now available worldwide as a Digital Release, with new and improved sound and video quality.

Six shores sharing one ocean, one sky, and one language of survival and music. EarthSync’s award winning production is a documentary about the lives, music and culture of coastal and surrounding communities in the 2004 tsunami-affected regions of Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar and India. 

“It was the first production of a just-born EarthSync”, says Sonya Mazumdar, Producer (Laya Project) and Founder (EarthSync), “a humble project to support cultural continuity in effected coastal communities, but the inspiring realities that gave Laya Project its life was immense, much larger than everything within all of us producing it; changing our perceptions, and my life. It became the ethos, the beacon that continues to guide EarthSync to this day. Laya Project is a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, to the survivors who despite personal tragedies, had to face their fears to return to work, and learn to laugh, love, play and sing again. It’s a celebration of life”.

The film is a celebration of cultures, community and music, anchored in the philosophy that despite disasters, humanity and art remain the path to higher ground.

“There was no scripted story, and there was very little information available. And even less information after the wave, as no one at that time really knew what was or wasn’t there anymore”, begins Harold Monfils, Director of the film, “Laya Project became a direct reflection of how we approached making it; there is no chronological beginning, middle, or end. It was and is a journey. We prepped, planned, and researched as much as possible, established local contacts, and on arrival, well… we improvised. We followed our hearts, the music, and the visual stories. After having made the film, I am in awe of the resilience of the human spirit, and still question, ‘Would I be strong enough to endure that journey they did’? I cannot begin to imagine. Working as a collaboration between the music and the visuals, the film is a portrait of survival and hope, anchored together by the people and music”.

“More than a decade ago, I was lucky enough to embark on a musical journey with a wonderfully talented group of people – the journey of a lifetime” reminisces Patrick Sebag, Laya Project’s Music Producer, “We travelled across Asia after the 2004 tsunami disaster, following the folk music traditions of the affected communities – music of prayer, of strength, of truth and healing, of recognition of the goodness we have on this planet. For me, this project was a love letter to humanity. Now it is being distributed again and I hope this letter reaches as many people as possible”.

Watch Laya Project – Anniversary Edition here.  


IndiEarth is an online B2B platform that connects India’s non-mainstream independent Musicians and Filmmakers to worldwide Media. The platform features a blog, offers value-added services and wider opportunity networks through its partnerships. IndiEarth is an EarthSync Initiative.

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