IndiEarth XChange 2015: That’s A Wrap

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks to say the least – the city of Chennai bore witness to a natural disaster that shook its very core, and though much of the city’s population was uprooted from their homes and livelihood – several Chennaites chose to stay firmly rooted to each other.

In the midst of this unfolding tragedy was a 3 day window from November 27th – 29th where the rains let up, where the sun shone briefly – and for this we have no explanation, only gratitude, and hope that more such days are in store for the millions of lives affected by the floods. It has been one of the most challenging IndiEarth XChanges to organize to date – with weeks of torrential rain, power cuts, dampened spirits and innumerable roadblocks along the way – but somehow coming all together for 3 intense days and nights of a full power celebration of the arts and industry networking. For this we would like to thank every single individual of the extended IndiEarth family who joined hands as a community and participated in XChange – without you, none of it would have been possible.

Thank you to the crazy souls who came out and danced while French duo Kokomo raged like madmen with their infusion of 70’s style punk rock vibes and mad guitar licks; to the film lovers who came together in the darkness of the screening room with only the light of the screen to guide the way through a collection of world class cinema from countries like India, Lebanon, Monte Negro, Turkey, Ireland, Egypt, Costa Rica, and beyond. To artists like Howie B, Borkung Hrangkhawl, folk troupe Thappattam, Naezy, Saskia Rao De Haas, Tulegur, Ziskakan, Alowala, Aldoc, who gathered in Chennai from different parts of the country and globe and gave their all on stage – humble, open, top performers; to the delegates who made the panel discussions and workshops come alive with the spark of fresh ideas and new perspectives, and made commitments for a world-wide network for the growth of the independent music, film and media industry.

Most of all, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your belief in and your passion for the arts in all its rich, multitudinous diversity.

We’re back on our feet now – more XChange updates coming soon.



IndiEarth is an online B2B platform that connects India’s non-mainstream independent Musicians and Filmmakers to worldwide Media. The platform features a blog, offers value-added services and wider opportunity networks through its partnerships. IndiEarth is an EarthSync Initiative.

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February 16, 2015

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