Winners: IndiEarth Ticket To Write – IOMMA 2013

The IndiEarth Ticket to Write – IOMMA 2013 campaign is an initiative that nurtures writers and music journalism in India, offering exposure to music and industry perspectives of other cultures.

We are delighted to announce Mandovi Menon and Mana Dhanraj as winners of the IndiEarth Ticket to Write – IOMMA 2013 contest.

Mandovi and Mana will join the EarthSync-led Indian delegation to IOMMA (Indian Ocean Music Market) and the Sakifo Musik Festival in Reunion Islands, from June 4th – 9th 2013.

Apart from winning an expenses-covered assignment to cover Reunion Island’s IOMMA, the intercultural expo for musicians and music industry professionals to network and showcase music, followed by the landmark Sakifo Musik Festival, the winners have earned themselves the opportunity to write for IndiEarth.

mando6Mandovi Menon’s entry into journalism was through several well-established publications including Times Of India, Mid-day, content work for Digit9.0, The Wildcity and Border Movement, a cross-cultural music blog between Germany and South East Asia. She’s garnered interviews with eminent international and local acts ranging from Dub FX and Koan Sound to Shaa’ir + Func and Sandunes, building a reputation of being one of India’s emerging music journalists.

Her winning article “Surfing the Crowd: India’s Path to Musical Democracy?” investigates the impacts/sustainability of crowd funding within the framework of India’s independent music scene.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACurator of music website Sideways To Sound, Mana Dhanraj is a freelance  writer, designer and musician based in Bangalore. She writes for various publications such as The Border Movement and Rock Street Journal, as well as well as documenting and recording work for The Kabir Project. An avid traveler, Mana has a keen understanding of roots and world music, and has been involved with eclectic music festivals, artists and conferences in India such as Blue Lotus Festival, IndiEarth XChange, and NH7.

Her winning article “The North Borders – Bonobo”, reviews Bonobos fifth studio album comparing his signature sound and its evolution over the years.

You can look out for both winning articles shortly on


IndiEarth is an online B2B platform that connects India’s non-mainstream independent Musicians and Filmmakers to worldwide Media. The platform features a blog, offers value-added services and wider opportunity networks through its partnerships. IndiEarth is an EarthSync Initiative.

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